Radebaugh Greenhouses
Hydrangeas are really popular flowers in the Spring and Summer. A healthy hydrangea plant will produce many huge, luxurious blooms. For the past few years, we have noticed a large uptick in the number of brides requesting hydrangea as a base flower in their wedding packages. In fact, we arguably now use more hydrangea in wedding flower packages than virtually any other floral variety.
Hydrangea plants are easy to grow. They don’t require a huge amount of care. If planted in an appropriate spot, you can expect to enjoy years of gorgeous blooms. Our greenhouse operations staff is really good about ensuring we have plenty of hydrangeas in stock and available for purchase. During the Spring and Summer, you can generally expect to find many different color options in stock.
Hydrangea plants bloom in the Spring and throughout the Summer. As previously mentioned, they come in a number of different colors. The green, white and lavender varieties are the most popular. Although, pink hydrangeas have been flying off the shelves this season.

Growing Recommendations – Hydrangea
Hydrangea plants are perennials, meaning they come back year after year. They are easy to grow plants that usually do prove to be quite productive in the Baltimore climate. If you are thinking of adding hydrangea to your garden or flower bed, we recommend you find a spot that receives plenty of sunlight. Hydrangea plants tend to perform better in mostly sunny conditions. Hydrangea plants like water. We recommend finding an area, say near a rain gutter down spout, that will provide lots of water opportunities for them. Make sure they area you plant them in drains properly. You don’t want to allow water to pool up around the base of the plants.