Radebaugh Greenhouses
Autumn Plants, Fall Decorations, Annuals, Perennials
Autumn is an awesome time of year. In fact, Fall is one of our favorite times of year. Thoughts of all those long hot Summer days have finally started to fade away. The heat has given way to some cool early mornings. A few more days go by and we begin to start having some wonderful cool nights. With the drop in temperature, the leaves on the trees slowly begin to turn from green to burnt orange and bright red. Can you tell that we really love Fall. Autumn is just such a great time for working in the garden center.
Radebaugh Greenhouses carry a wide range of annuals and perennials that can be planted during the Fall season. If color is what you are looking for, pansies may be your best bet. They come in a wide range of colors that will add some pop to your garden. Mums are another Fall favorite. They deliver lots of gorgeous color and come back year after year. In addition to pansies and mums we also carry ornamental grasses, cool weather coleus, millet, ornamental peppers as well as other Fall annuals and perennials.
If you are looking to add the classic Fall flair to your front entrance or around your front door, we have some great options for you to consider. One of the most popular Fall decor options is always Pumpkins. With Halloween just around the corner, pumpkins work for the holiday and work great as part of your Fall decoration plan. We carry all kinds and colors of pumpkins. Choose from traditional orange pumpkins, really cool white pumpkins and the ultra popular pale orange pumpkins. In addition to pumpkins, we have a wonderful selection of gourds. As we approach the Halloween season, the gourds begin to fly off the shelves. If you want gourds for your Fall decorations, we encourage you to purchase them early. In addition to pumpkins and gourds, we also have lots of corn stalks, Indian corn and other traditional Fall decorations. If you are in the area, we hope you will stop by and see all the great Fall decorating options we offer that will keep your home looking handsome all autumn long!
Fall Themed Flowers & Decor

Radebaugh Greenhouses offers a great selection of Fall themed flowers, plants and shrubs. If you have never seen our retail greenhouse, we encourage you to stop in. The garden center is simply amazing. Many of the great Fall and Autumn themed flowers and plants are on sale this month. Fall is also a great time to begin shopping for your flower bulbs that you will need to plant to ensure your flower beds are bursting with color this coming Spring. We have the best selection of bulbs in town.
Autumn Themed Table Centerpieces
If you are looking for a Fall themed table centerpiece, we have the best selection in Baltimore. One of the most popular centerpiece options are our flowering canoe baskets. The award winning design team here at Radebaugh Florist has come up with some really great table centerpieces options.